
We offer hassle-free return and exchange policies. Return undamaged items within 30 days of delivery and we will ensure full refund!


Enjoy free shipping on orders over quoted minimum order value .We have a time-efficient delivery system that delivers to the address given by you. We deliver all over India.

Terms and Conditions

This website is operated by Funny Pets. Terms like ‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’ used on the website refer to Funny Pets. Once you’ve accepted our terms and conditions, this website serves you with products and delivery. By purchasing our products, you agree to an engagement with our Terms and conditions. All users of this website including vendors, customers, browsers, merchants are liable to these terms and conditions. Please read these terms and conditions carefully before proceeding with the website. If you are not in agreement with these or even a part of these, you may not use the website. We have the right to update/change these terms and conditions according to our brand needs. If you continue to access the website post change/update, you automatically give consent to the updated Terms and conditions. This website provides us with an e-commerce platform to sell our products and services to you.